Yes Music AG / DJ BoBo Management
Breitenweg 6
6370 Stans / Switzerland
Email: yesmusic@yes.ch
Send a self-addressed and stamped return envelope to:
If you would like to receive additional information such as tour dates and news by email,
then enclose a short note with your email address in the reply envelope.
From Germany & Austria to:
Trend RK e.K.
Eggerstr. 15
D-94469 Deggendorf
Please send an envelope with 0,85 € postage.
As well as for a DIN A 5 autograph card an envelope with 1,60 € franking.
Please stamp sufficiently (card size A5): Austria 3.70 €
From Switzerland:
Yes Music AG
"Autograph request DJ BOBO"
Breitenweg 6
CH-6370 Stans
Please stamp sufficiently Switzerland: 1.00 CHF
Yes Music AG / DJ BoBo Management
Breitenweg 6
6370 Stans / Switzerland
Email: yesmusic@yes.ch